It’s September already! After the really long hot summer, we begin to look towards Autumn.

For many, it will bring hardship as we think about turning the heating back on and those energy price rises that will inevitably hit us. There will be difficult choices to be made.

Within our listening area and often mentioned within our programming and community news, Godmanchester Foodbank, part of the national foodbank network supported by the Trussell Trust, operates from Godmanchester Baptist Church on East Chadley Lane.

HCR104fm is not only about providing great music and information to the community; it’s also about involving itself by supporting all our local charities and organisations, so in these hard times, please do support the Foodbank by donating financially or by providing goods for those members of our community that really will suffer in the coming months.

To look further into how you can help, visit

And similarly, we are supporting Centre 33, the young persons’ confidential support charity during September.

The network provides help and advice to young people covering mental health, sexual health, money, jobs and benefits.

As mentioned above, the charity can also issue food vouchers for use at food banks, including Godmanchester Foodbank.

If you are a young person needing help, visit Centre 33’s website at or go to our own website

Did you know that we select one new song every week, chosen by our Music Director Tony Obee? He selects a song - often a new song - that we think our listeners might grow to like.

The Single of the Week, as we call it, is played from 8.00am each Sunday and repeated on Monday – Thursday at 8.20am, 5.30pm & 10.20pm (times are approximate).

You’ll also hear it played in our usual programming. Tony also presents our Late Show from Sunday to Thursday at 10:00 pm, and you will hear just the best love songs to drift off to sleep too!

We cannot stress enough that we only exist with the help of our volunteers, that band of dedicated, often unsung heroes that faithfully give up personal time to either present or produce our shows. Without them, we could not operate.

Someone once said that volunteers don’t get paid - not because they’re worthless but because they are priceless! Let’s drink to that!

Till next month, thank you for supporting Huntingdon Community Radio.