Hunts Post Editor Debbie Davies joined the St Ives Cromwell Probus Luncheon Club on November 17.

The invitation came following the death of Peter Baker MBE on September 15 when David McCandless, the club’s administrator, alerted the Editor to the contribution Peter had made to both country as Vulcan (V-Force) aircrew in the RAF and to the town of St Ives.

Peter wove himself into the social fabric of the community and, where, at the time of this death, despite being confined to an electric scooter, he was the president of the St Ives branch of the Royal British Legion.

Subsequently, reporter Louise Hepburn interviewed David and Lorna Baker to produce a tribute/obituary to Peter online and if you search for Hunts Post Peter Balker MBE or contact, you can have a copy.

Consequently, as a ‘heartfelt thank you’ for the tribute to one of our own, on behalf of the club and with the unanimous agreement of the club’s steering group, chaired by Chris Leah, Lorna and David, invited Debbie to join them for lunch at Slepe Hall.

Unfortunately, Louise was unable to make it but we were delighted that Debbie accepted our invitation and over coffee, gave us an insight into the long, hard slog that it took for her to become Editor and explained how much she thoroughly enjoys the job.

Debbie’s talk was followed by several pertinent questions relevant to St Ives and the Hemingfords’ that Debbie revealed St Ives did not figure in the paper as much as other areas because fewer articles seem to be submitted.

Debbie kindly asked St Ives residents, clubs and organisations to contact her with articles in good time for publication if they want exposure and that there is an online events portal to help people get their notifications published virtually immediately.

Chris Leah, thanked Debbie for insight and for fielding the searching questions with positive results and invited her to return - as the invitation is extended to all retired business people in St Ives and the local area.

The club meets on the third Thursday of every month.