Motorists who pervert the course of justice by lying to avoid speeding fines and penalty points are being warned about the consequences.

Cambridgeshire police are warning drivers that if they are caught speeding and give false details, for example their name or address, they may face a custodial sentence.

There are currently around 63 live cases that the cameras, tickets and collisions team are investigating across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire.

Investigator supervisor Kevin Brown said: “We all have different feelings around speed cameras including relief at being under the limit and anguish at being slightly over.

"Recently, we have found that a growing number of drivers across Beds, Cambs and Herts are choosing to ignore paperwork or attempting to lie their way out of a fine or speed awareness course”.

“One case a few years ago, ended with someone who had a clean driving licence and no convictions being handed a six-month custodial sentence and losing her job after submitting a false name and address along with a fabricated story, providing fraudulent documents in the process.

"Now this person has a criminal record and will fail any subsequent DBS checks. 

“My advice is not to speed, but if you are caught doing so, ensure you submit the correct details to avoid a potential criminal conviction.”

The consequence of ignoring paperwork can be six penalty points and a £1000 fine instead of a £100 fine.

If people provide false details, they can face their licence being disqualified and a custodial sentence. This will lead to a criminal record which could affect future employment and life choices.