Improvement work to St Neots Market Square has been pushed back to later in the year after concerns about finding a contractor to do the work.

Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) has said work is now expected to start in the autumn of this year rather than the summer.

However, council officers have said they are "comfortable" the improvement work is deliverable.

A report presented to HDC's overview and scrutiny panel (performance and growth) meeting this week (June 7) said there had been a "significant risk" to the scheme of a "lack of interest from the market".

The report said: "Every effort has been taken to mitigate risks. We have, for example, taken additional time to consider technical and cost challenges prior to the procurement process being launched.

The Hunts Post: HDC's Market Towns Programme team were out in St Neots in December 2022 showing the public the detailed plans and projects to enhance the town.HDC's Market Towns Programme team were out in St Neots in December 2022 showing the public the detailed plans and projects to enhance the town. (Image: Huntingdonshire District Council)

"This has also included market testing with local contractors to better understand how the work could be better phased and the cost implications or benefits of this.

"Whilst this has extended the scheme schedule slightly, commencing construction in early autumn, as opposed to late summer, this additional work will be beneficial to the project on cost and delivery timescales."

Officers explained to councillors at the meeting that the delay had also allowed them to review the costs and materials needed to ensure the project was deliverable.

READ MORE: Work to transform and 'ignite' St Neots set to start in 2023

They said the soft market testing made them "as comfortable as they can get" that the improvements could be delivered.

Councillor's views

Councillor Dr Marcus Pickering said he supported the extra time being taken and said it could save the authority "time and mistakes in the long run".

As part of the work, existing trees in the square will be cut down and replaced by semi-mature trees.

The committee report said the removal of the trees was needed whether work to the Market Square took place or not due to faults in how the trees were originally planted.

The report said the tree's roots were damaging the surrounding pavement, "creating a safety hazard" for people. More trees are planned to be planted than are currently in the square.

Councillor Ian Gardener asked how the district council was planning to keep people in St Neots updated about this, highlighting issues councils had faced in other parts of the country when cutting down trees.

Councillor Sam Wakeford, the executive councillor for jobs, economy and housing, said this was something the authority was "thinking proactively" about.

Officers stressed that the existing trees were "unsafe" and that more trees were intended to be planted.

Councillor Sally Howell suggested the wood from the chopped-down trees could be used in the proposed new public art for the Market Square. She said incorporating the wood from the existing trees into the art project could "soften the blow slightly".

Cllr Wakeford said this suggestion had already come up and that while he said he was not sure it would "soften the optics", he said it had been raised but could not offer "certainty" at this point about taking it forward.