A 94-year-old took his first ever flight, and even controlled the glider, during a recent open day.

The Nene Valley Gliding Club in Upwood delighted members of the March Armed Forces and Veterans Hub with the unforgettable day of flying on July 28.

The hub joined forces with the gliding club to provide the extraordinary experience.

During the event, hub members were granted a rare opportunity to soar through the skies in one of the club's Schleicher K13 gliders.

The excitement was palpable as veterans and individuals from different generations took the passenger seat and even had the chance to take control of the glider themselves.

The Hunts Post: March Armed Forces and Veterans Hub members and some of the Nene Valley Gliding Club members who volunteered to help on the day.March Armed Forces and Veterans Hub members and some of the Nene Valley Gliding Club members who volunteered to help on the day. (Image: James Erskine)

Among the participants was 94-year-old March man Fred Palmer, brother of marine veteran Alan Palmer, who also flew on the day.

Fred embraced his first-ever flight, having "never left the ground before", and even had the chance to pilot the glider.

Landing with a wide grin on his face, Fred jokingly compared the experience to sitting in the dentist's chair but without any pain.

Throughout the event, a total of 25 flights took place, providing numerous members of the Veteran's Hub with the exhilarating experience of soaring.

The Hunts Post:  94 year old Fred Palmer took his first ever flight, and even controlled the glider. 94 year old Fred Palmer took his first ever flight, and even controlled the glider. (Image: James Erskine)

Founded in 1968, the Nene Valley Gliding Club now operates a scholarship programme in partnership with Abbey College, Ramsey, which provides students with flying instruction.

This collaboration is believed to be the first of its kind in the country, offering exciting prospects for aspiring aviators.

If you're interested in learning more about the Nene Valley Gliding Club and their upcoming open day, visit www.nvgc.org.uk.

For those who'd like to know more about the valuable services offered by the March Armed Forces and Veterans Hub, please visit www.marchveteranshub.com.

The hub welcomes members of the Armed Forces Community, the Blue Light Service, and HM Prison Service Community