Music shows and drive-in film screenings can be held at Grafham Water, but there are no dates in the diary yet for such events. 

Anglian Water asked for permission from Huntingdonshire District Council to be able to hold a range of events with around 500 people attending each at the reservoir site. 

The district council agreed to grant the licence after hearing more about the plans at a licensing sub-committee meeting on August 17. 

The licence allows events to be held in the Marlow Park area of the reservoir site, off Buckden Road. 

Anglian Water has permission to show plays, films and dance shows from 9am to 11pm Friday to Saturday, and from 9am to 10pm on Sundays. 

Between April and September, the company can also have live bands play from 9am to 11pm on Friday and Saturday, and from 9am to 10pm on Sundays. 

William Kirstein, from Anglian Water, said there were no specific events in the works, but explained they hoped to be able to offer family friendly activities from time to time. 

He said: “We would like to be able to hold family friendly regulated entertainment, predominantly music, films, plays and outdoor theatre. 

“I think that the addition of such events are a valuable asset to the local community, and valuable to the park and valuable to visitors. I would be very grateful if the licence could be granted.” 

Mr Kirstein added that Anglian Water was not looking to create a “late night entertainment venue or party location”, highlighting that they were not asking for permission to sell alcohol at the events. 

He said he was also “sensitive” to concerns in the area about parking and traffic, but highlighted changes he said had already been made to improve this, including changing the entrance from one lane to three to remove the queues. 

He said he acknowledged that people did park on verges rather than using the car park, but said they “work proactively with the parish council to stop that parking”, and said it was something they wanted to stop as best as they could. 

One objection to the licence application had been lodged, which raised concerns about the potential public nuisance caused by regular events at the site. 

Cllr Patricia Jordan asked Mr Kirstein how they intended to manage noise from events. 

Mr Kirstein explained there were trees and hedges providing a natural sound buffer between the park and the nearest houses. 

He also said they would consider where things like a stage were placed, giving the example of making sure it is facing away from homes. 

Mr Kirstein explained that with events like an outdoor cinema they could give people headphones to listen to the film from their cars, which he said would provide better sound quality for visitors anyway than a loudspeaker. 

Cllr Stephen Ferguson asked if there was a “rough estimate” as to how many events they hoped to hold, due to the open-ended nature of the application. 

Mr Kirstein said he appreciated the application was “vague” but said there were no events planned for this year, and said they currently had nothing planned for next year as well. 

He suggested the committee chose to limit the licence to 15 or 20 events during the April to September period if this would provide reassurance. 

The sub-committee went into a private session to consider the application, before returning to announce they had decided to grant the licence. 

Cllr Barry Banks, chair of the sub-committee, said: “The sub-committee formed the view that the licence should be granted as per the terms of the application with no amendments. 

“The sub-committee found the applicant’s submissions and answers to the committee questions to be professional, open, and concise, with no concerns conveyed.”