Two teens have been charged with drug offences after neighbourhood officers found a substantial amount of crack cocaine, heroin and more than £1.5k of cash in a vehicle.

On Tuesday night (August 29), officers conducted proactive patrols in Huntingdon and targeted areas identified as hotspots for drug activity.

Armed with "valuable intel", the team successfully intercepted a vehicle linked to the drug trade and found £1,320 worth of drugs, £1,520 in cash and three phones inside.

Two teens from Coventry were both arrested at the scene on American Lane, Huntingdon, for possession with intent to supply class A drugs and have since been charged.

The Hunts Post: 44 wraps, including 26 heroin and 18 crack cocaine wraps, were discovered by police.44 wraps, including 26 heroin and 18 crack cocaine wraps, were discovered by police. (Image: Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

A spokesperson for Cambridgeshire Constabulary said: "Junior Yawli, 19, of Parry Road, Coventry and Horeb Mayukua, 19, of Hermes Crescent, Coventry, have been charged with possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin, possession of criminal property and being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin."

READ MORE: Suspected drug driver arrested as crash leaves police officer hospital

Both are due to appear at Huntingdon Magistrates' Court later today (August 31).

If you suspect drug dealing in your area, Cambridgeshire Police urge you to report it to them by calling 101 or by visiting the force's website.