A Cambridgeshire school has received an award from UNICEF for all of its hard work in recognising children's rights.

Buckden Primary Academy has been recognised with Silver Accreditation for Respecting Children's Rights. 

Mrs Kate Woodward, Head of Early Years at Buckden Primary Academy, is a passionate advocate for UNICEF, and ensured the school's success in winning the award.

UNICEF awards the accreditation to schools that show "good progress" towards embedding children's rights in its policy, practice, and ethos. 

In order to achieve the award, the school was assessed by a "Professional Advisor" who looked at the school's work on respecting children's rights.

It found that the school is "explicitly" embedding the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child in its policy, practice and culture.

It also found that the school promotes knowledge and understanding of the Convention throughout its community.

Kate Woodward, lead teacher of the project, said: "Our children and staff have worked really hard for the past two years to achieve this award.

"The children are now well aware of the Rights of the Child articles and this is used to guide discussions in our curriculum.

"The children use the vocabulary of rights to set out class charters and expectations.

"They have also been involved in fundraising and awareness projects, making decisions about how we can support our community and beyond."

A spokesperson for the school said that that pupils "are beginning to see themselves as rights respecting global citizens and advocates for fairness and children’s rights, both locally and globally."

The Silver Accreditation is valid for three years, but the school have already hit a number of targets required for Gold Accreditation. 

The school believes it'll achieve Gold within the next 18 months.

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