East West Rail have begun to visit home and land owners who may be affected by the large-scale project.

The scheme aims to connect Oxford with Cambridge via train, and in order to do so, a railway line needs to be built between Bedford and Cambridge.

Towns like Tempsford, St Neots, and Cambourne are likely to be affected by the complex project.

In order to make sure the project causes as little disruption as possible, East West Rail have begun sending out Land Interest Questionnaires to people who could be affected by the plans.

They've also began visiting sites to speak with home and land owners.

East West Rail have confirmed that it's "too early" in the scheme's phases to say what exact land will be affected by the infrastructure, but they hope that the Land Interest Questionnaires will help to gage a better understanding of the land.

The Questionnaires will be used to gather information on who owns, occupies and uses land that could potentially be affected by the railway.

East West Rail have emphasised that if you receive a Land Interest Questionnaire, it doesn't necessarily indicate that your land will be acquired and use in the project.

The Questionnaires have been sent to anyone who may be impacted by any part of the project.

It is not a legal requirement to fill out a Land Interest Questionnaire, however it is advised that anyone who receives one should do so.

Recommended Reading: East West Rail report to Cabinet Office and Treasury

East West Rail plan to hold their first statutory public consultation in the summer. 

Updated plans to the project will be shared at the consultation. 

Anyone with any questions about the project or the Land Interest Questionnaires can contact East West Rail via email at: land@eastwestrail.co.uk