The mayor of Ramsey has given an update on 20mph zones in the town following a mix of responses to the scheme.

The Hunts Post asked Ramsey residents about their views on the 20mph zones being implemented in the town, how they feel the public consultation was handled, and what they would like to see as next steps.

Among the responses, there was an overwhelming opinion that residents are not against a 20mph speed limit around schools and in residential areas, but believe the "blanket imposition" across Ramsey is a "waste of time and effort".

One resident said: "I personally don't agree with the new 20mph limit.

"People are overtaking more than ever now, and some people are taking it to the extreme and are going as slow as 15mph.

"The consultation process has been poor, and not a lot of people were aware of the whole thing. Advertisement wasn't great for it."

Another resident agreed, and said that the consultation "could have been handled better".

A Ramsey local who has lived in the town for over 30 years said that they had no idea a consultation was taking place, and criticised the use of social media as a means of advertising it.

"Social media is not an effective way of putting across information to a whole town in order to get opinions on something that will, and has, implications for everyone."

Andrew Chatfield told The Hunts Post that: "Used sensitively in appropriate places, such limits (20mph) are meaningful, like in purely residential areas and outside schools.

"Drivers see the need and are generally compliant without a self enforcing environment."

There have been calls amongst residents for a second public consultation to be held.

Steven Harrison, a Ramsey resident, is one of those people making the call.

He said that he wants to see a new public consultation held, and for the speed limit on the B1040 to be re-instated as 30mph.

Recommended Reading: Ramsey Mayor sad that people fear speaking on 20mph zones

However, there are members in the community who "quietly" agree with the new speed restrictions across the entire town.

One resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that they're in favour of the recent changes in speed restrictions, but are scared to speak out and support them.

"I have a job role in the community where people know my face, and I feared for the backlash of negativity both online and face-to-face if I spoke out and supported the 20mph zones."

They added that they "fear" for children walking to and from school in Ramsey.

Another supporter said: "There is no doubting which parts are 20mph as it’s all of it, and having been out with the dog and running around the town, in general I believe the traffic is moving slower and it feels a nicer place to be."

The Hunts Post: Cllr Val Fendley, Mayor of Ramsey.Cllr Val Fendley, Mayor of Ramsey. (Image: Val Fendley)

The Hunts Post put these responses to Cllr Val Fendley, mayor of Ramsey. This was her response:

"The responses The Hunts Post has received from residents across Ramsey and Bury are not surprising to me and do reflect what we heard at the town council meeting on May 9, and more generally within the community.

"I am due to discuss these points with both county council officers and our county councillor at a meeting scheduled for mid-June.

"It is important to me that local people are engaged in decisions that affect them, and as a council we are reflecting on how we communicate, not just around our own responsibilities, but in relation to wider communications coming from district and county level too.

"I think people will have witnessed my commitment to this during the recent promotion and meetings around a Neighbourhood Plan for Ramsey."