A Cambridgeshire nurse has received a caution order after she got in an altercation - which quickly escalated - with a young person in her care.

Charlotte Basedeke was a support worker for Genell, a supported living service for young people under the care of the local authority, at the time of the incident.

On March 27, 2023, Basedeke was allocated to work at one of Genell's houses, where Person A was living.

After an initial conversation between Person A and Basedeke, Person A said that she did not want to speak to Basedeke - following that, the situation escalated.

Person A told Basedeke to "suck your mum", to which Basedeke responded, "suck your mum".

Person A then left the room and returned to throw a glass bottle at Basedeke. Basedeke then pulled her hair and hit her with an iron.

Person A "goaded" and "mocked" Basedeke, and filmed her on her mobile phone. Basedeke responded, saying "I'll f****** smoke you again", and "f*** off".

At a virtual misconduct hearing held in April into Basedeke's alleged behaviour, the Nursing and Midwifery Council noted that Person A was "rude, challenging and physically aggressive" to Basedeke, and that Person A assault Basedeke first.

Snapchat video footage recorded by Person A was used as evidence in the hearing, and it showed Basedeke using "threatening language" - however, Basedeke said she was "not in the right frame of mind" after being attacked.

Basedeke admitted to shouting "suck your mum", "I'll f****** smoke you again" and "f*** off".

CCTV footage, which was watched by Witness One, was used as evidence in the hearing, which captured the incident in full.

It proved that Basedeke had pulled Person A's hair and hit her with an iron.

The footage showed that for around three seconds, Basedeke pulled Person A's hair. 

It also showed Basedeke pick up an iron (which had been discarded by Person A) by its cord, and swing it at Person A, hitting her twice.

The panel at the hearing noted that Basedeke said that she wanted to get away from Person A, and that she was fearful of what Person A could do with the iron.

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Basedeke told the panel that she intends to return to working in a nursing home that she was previously employed at, and that the incident took place before she began practising as a nurse.

The panel determined that Basedeke's actions had amounted to misconduct, and that her fitness to practice was impaired.

They took into consideration the fact that Basedeke admitted to some of the charges and that she expressed remorse for her actions. She also attempted to apologise to Person A.

The panel concluded that there is "no longer a risk of repetition" based on Basedeke's nursing practice and that she has taken online training in conflict management.

As a result, Basedeke has been given a caution order for a period of three years. After those three years, the note on her entry in the NMC register will be removed.