A new interactive enclosure is now open at Hamerton Zoo, near Sawtry.

The much-loved meerkats at the zoo have just moved into their new interactive enclosure, which features a long viewing area for guests to look through.

There is also a tunnel for people to walk through, where you can look back into the meerkat enclosure through two domes.

The new meerkat enclosure at Hamerton Zoo.The new meerkat enclosure at Hamerton Zoo. (Image: Hamerton Zoo)

The zoo has confirmed that the meerkats have settled into their new home very well, and are enjoying the number of guests coming to take a look at them.

Hamerton Zoo has been hosting a number of talks and feeds for guests to attend, where they get a chance to see the meerkats up close and learn all about their lifestyle, as well as watch them have a feed from their keeper.

The talks are a great way to learn interesting facts about Hamerton's meerkats, including how the keepers can tell them apart, and how they behave in the wild.

The zoo also plans to host Meet-the-Meerkat sessions in the next few months, which will give guests a chance to interact with the animals.

The Meet-the-Meerkat sessions will be available to book on the Hamerton Zoo website from July.

A spokesperson for Hamerton Zoo said that the new enclosure is "going down really well" with visitors.

Hamerton Zoo is also running a photographic competition until August 31.

There are several categories, including 'Marvellous Mammals' and 'Beautiful Birds', that you can submit a photograph into. 

The winner will receive an animal sponsorship and an annual pass to Hamerton Zoo. 

Second place will receive an animal sponsorship and a day pass to the zoo, and third place will receive a day pass to the zoo. There will be winners in every category.

Entries can be posted or dropped off at Hamerton Zoo Park.

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