Over 80 new homes are due to be built in a Cambridgeshire village, despite some raising concerns about flooding in the area.

Huntingdonshire District Council approved the plans to build 87 homes on fields off Tunkers Lane, in Bury.

Concerns had been raised by the village parish council about the potential impact on flooding in the area, but planning officers highlighted that no issues had been raised by the lead local flood authority.

All of the 87 new homes are proposed to be made available as affordable housing.

Representatives of the developer behind the project, Stonewater Developments Ltd, said their vision was to “provide everyone the opportunity to have a place to call home”.

They explained to councillors at a development management committee meeting on June 17, that they were planning to offer a variety of tenures in order to create a “balanced community”.

However, concerns about the development had been raised by Bury Parish Council.

The parish council raised flooding concerns and questioned whether the proposed attenuation ponds would work.

They claimed during heavy rainfall existing attenuation ponds in the area did not appear to fill up, but said surface water run off had been seen “flowing down roads, pavements and into gardens”.

The parish council also said the developer had not spoken to them about the development.

The representatives of the developer admitted they had not fully consulted with the parish council and said this had been an “oversight” due to “resource issues” at the time.

Councillor Stephen Corney said he did have reservations about the proposed development and recognised there were some flooding issues in the area.

However, he could not see a reason “strong enough” to refuse the application in light of no objections being raised by the lead local flood authority.

Cllr Corney added that it was a “great shame” the developer had not consulted with the parish council more about the development proposals.

Councillor Jon Neish said he had “reservations” about a lot of affordable housing being built in one place in the village, but said the new affordable homes would be an “advantage”.

When a decision on the application was put to a vote the majority of councillors voted to approve the plans.