The polling results from the Huntingdon General Election Debate have been announced, and one party came out on top.

Last night (June 18), the Huntingdon Hustings took place. The six candidates sat down to answer questions from the public.

Before the debate began the audience filled out a ballot, asking them who they were most likely to vote for before the hustings.

After the debate, the audience answered the same question but with everything they'd heard that night in mind.

There was one clear winner in both polls - The Labour Party. Here are the results below:

Huntingdon Hustings 2024 - BEFORE debate (78 votes)

Alex Bulat (Labour) - 30 votes - 38.5 per cent

Undecided - 15 votes - 19.2 per cent

Ben Obese-Jecty (Conservatives) - 14 votes - 17.9 per cent

Chan Abraham (Independent) - nine votes - 11.5 per cent

Mark Argent (Liberal Democrat) - six votes - 7.7 per cent

Sarah Smith (Reform) - three votes - 3.8 per cent

Georgie Hunt (Green) - one vote - 1.3 per cent

Huntingdon Hustings 2024 - AFTER debate (79 votes)

Alex Bulat (Labour) - 31 votes - 39.2 per cent

Ben Obese-Jecty (Conservatives) - 28 votes - 35.4 per cent

Chan Abraham (Independent) - eight votes - 10.1 per cent

Mark Argent (Liberal Democrat) - four votes - 5.1 per cent

Undecided - four votes - 5.1 per cent

Sarah Smith (Reform) - two votes - 2.5 per cent

Georgie Hunt (Green) - two votes - 2.5 per cent

Two spoiled votes.

Recommended Reading: 2024 Election candidates for Huntingdon talk about the NHS