A medieval Huntingdonshire bridge is set to close for two weeks for repairs following a crash last year. 

One person had to be cut from one of the cars after the two-vehicle collision, and the bridge was left blocked.

The Old Bridge between Huntingdon and Godmanchester will closed between September 2 and 15 while work is carried out.

Cambridgeshire County Council said it will be consulting the public on options to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians on the bridge over the summer. 

A spokesperson said: “The Old Bridge between Godmanchester and Huntingdon will be closed for repairs between 2 and 15 September.

"This follows damage to the bridge from a collision last year. During the works the footpath will remain open and diversion signs will be in place to direct vehicles via the A1307.

"Over the summer we will be speaking to local councillors on various options to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians at the bridge, as part of our Active Travel commitment.

"It is still early, but any proposals will involve public engagement."

Leader of Hunts Walking and Cycling Group, John Morris, said he "welcomed" news the council is consulting the community.

He said: "Any proposals that come forward need to carefully consider how we can improve road safety for all roads users including motorists, pedestrians, mobility scooter users, mums and dads pushing toddlers in push chairs, elderly people who are perhaps not so steady on their feet and the many hundreds of school children who walk, scoot or cycle to school.

"Now is the time to have a calm, rational, evidence based discussion about how we can improve road safety for everyone. I would encourage everyone to get involved and have their say during the formal consultation period."