Have a look at our monthly round-up of some of the Cambridgeshire criminals who were jailed in June.

These offenders all committed crimes in our county and will now spend time behind bars for their offences.

Some of the crimes committed by this group include paedophilia, threatening a friend with a knife, and dealing drugs.

To read the full story as well as the full court result, click on the criminal's name.

Darren Stapleton

Darren Stapleton from Great Staughton.Darren Stapleton from Great Staughton. (Image: Police)

Darren Stapleton, from Great Staughton near St Neots, was jailed after he tried to sexually abuse two "girls".

However, the "girls" that Stapleton believed he was messaging were actually undercover police officers. He told one, who was posing as a nine-year-old girl, that he wanted to have sex with her and arranged a time and a place to meet up.

He told the second "girl", who was posing as a 13-year-old, that he wanted to have sex with her. He also sent inappropriate images of himself.

His phones, laptops and hard drives were seized and a horrifying number of indecent images of children, bestiality and other images were found.

The 56-year-old has been jailed for four years.

James Whitlock

James Whitlock is currently serving time in HMP Whitemoor.James Whitlock is currently serving time in HMP Whitemoor. (Image: Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

James Whitlock is a 39-year-old inmate at HMP Whitemoor. He's serving 15 years for using explosives to steal cash machines in Essex and London.

This month, he landed himself an extra year in jail after he tried to escape from custody while at Addenbrooke's Hospital.

Whitlock injured himself in prison and was taken to Addenbrooke's Hospital for treatment. There, he went for a shower (while chained to an officer), but managed to break the chain.

He hid his hands under the hospital gown when he came out and made a run for it. He was detained after getting a few metres away from the officers.

Lee Courtney

Lee Courtney is from Gorefield, near Wisbech.Lee Courtney is from Gorefield, near Wisbech. (Image: Cambridgeshire Police)

Lee Courtney, 33, was found with 140 indecent images of children. The Gorefield man was caught when police officers went to arrest him after he breached his Sex Offenders Register notification requirements - he had failed to tell the police about two email accounts he had.

Courtney was put on the Sex Offenders Register for seven years in 2021 after he was convicted of three counts of making indecent images of children. 

He had 140 indecent images on a mobile phone which he had not declared to officers, a breach of a five-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order which was also put in place in 2021.

He was jailed for 16 months and will remain on the Sex Offenders Register until 2031. His Sexual Harm Prevention Order has been extended until 2036.

Reece Reddington

Reece Reddington escaped from a hospital.Reece Reddington escaped from a hospital. (Image: Cambridgeshire Police)

Reece Reddington, a drug dealer in East Cambridgeshire, was arrested after he ran away from police officers in Soham back in March. He hid in a garage, but was seen throwing a phone into a garden which had messages relating to drug dealing.

While in custody he was receiving treatment in hospital, but ran away and made good his escape.

The 36-year-old got away for two weeks until he was arrested in Fordham. 

Now the dealer, of no fixed address, will spend two years behind bars.

Mohammed Mustafa

Mohammed Mustafa of Gladstone Street in Peterborough.Mohammed Mustafa of Gladstone Street in Peterborough. (Image: Police)

Mohammed Mustafa, 29, pulled a knife out on his friend while out for a walk. 

Mustafa, who has mental health struggles, was chatting with his friend until he accused him of "doing black magic" on him, and said that demons were coming. He then got out a knife.

Mustafa hit his friend to the ground and straddled him, leading to a scuffle. The victim was taken to hospital with deep cuts to his hands and face.

Mustafa will spend one year in jail for the attack.

Jamie Pretlove

Jamie Pretlove, of Hatfield.Jamie Pretlove, of Hatfield. (Image: Police)

Jamie Pretlove lived with his girlfriend in Cottenham. One night, his girlfriend confronted him after she found "flirty" texts to another woman on his phone.

They argued, and she slapped him round the face. Pretlove, 32, then punched her several times in the head and pinned her down on the bed to strangle her, leaving her struggling to breathe. He began packing a suitcase with his belongings.

The argument reignited and he threw her to the floor and punched her again. He then grabbed the suitcase and hit her in the face and body with it.

Pretlove, from Hatfield, was sentenced to 18 months in jail for the horrific level of violence.

Grant Brownlow

Grant Brownlow from March.Grant Brownlow from March. (Image: Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

Paedophile Grant Brownlow was caught out by an online child activist group. The 36-year-old began talking to what he thought was a 14-year-old girl, but was actually a decoy from the group.

Brownlow, of Bronze Street, March, turned the conversation sexual after the decoy said they were 14. The activist group confronted Brownlow at his home and called the police.

The force searched Brownlow's devices and found five "extreme" images involving animals.

Brownlow is now on the Sex Offenders Register for life, has an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order, and has been jailed for four years and six months.

Fynley Jefferies

Fynley Jefferies from Eynesbury.Fynley Jefferies from Eynesbury. (Image: Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

Fynley Jefferies, 20, caught the attention of Neighbourhood Police Officers in St Neots when they saw him sat on a wall with a man bag across his front and holding a black plastic bag.

The officers wanted to speak to him but Jefferies ran off, went through some bushes, and jumped in a river. He stayed in the water for a few minutes and tied his man bag to some branches before getting out.

The police retrieved the bag which had £325 in cash as well as cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine with a street value of £2,000. 

He'll now spend three years and 11 months in jail for drug dealing.