A youth mental health support group has re-opened its doors to young people in it's very own hub.

Centre 33 has worked with young people in Cambridgeshire for more than 40 years and has been supporting people in Huntingdonshire for nine years.

However, Centre 33 has had to accommodate sharing spaces with several other organisations over the years. They also had to make a move to online services during the Covid pandemic.

Now, the centre is officially open once more with its own space for the first time. Centre 33 will now be located at The Old Chapel, which is just off of the High Street in Huntingdon.

Recommended Reading: Centre reopens its face-to-face drop in sessions

There, they'll be running their 'Someone to Talk to' service every Tuesday afternoon. It's an open-access, no appointment service for young people to go and talk to people at the charity. 

The charity offers support with mental health as well as practical issues, including sexual health and housing information. They also offer support to young carer's aged between 13-25.

Counselling appointments will also be on offer, as well as in-house support for young carers in the hub.

Ashley Cole, 17, is a young carer that uses Centre 33. She faces many challenges, including: "school struggles, exams, social media pressure, and comparing myself to other girls".

She said: "Being a young carer on top of this means I have even more worries and struggles. I worry every time I go out the house that my mum ok, if she's fallen and can't get back up, or feeling really guilty when having to cancel plans with my friends or falling behind on schoolwork because of my caring role."

However, since using Centre 33, Ashley said she's "way more confident" with her life as a young carer, and said that they've helped her overcome her insecurities.