A much-loved Huntingdonshire nursery may be forced to close its doors after more than 30 years.

Stepping Stones Day Nursery at High Leys has been a staple in the St Ives community for 35 years, but will be closing its doors in High Leys on Friday, November 1.

The Edmund Trust, who are the landlords of the building Stepping Stones Day Nursery use, have served the nursery notice to vacate the building as they plan to return the site to Huntingdonshire District Council.

It's left Tiffany Evans, the manager of Stepping Stones Day Nursery, searching for alternate premises. 

She's being supported by Cambridgeshire County Council's 0-25 place planning team and the early years' service, but the search so far has been unsuccessful.

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In a post on Facebook, Tiffany said that she wanted to give parents, guardians and carers "as much notice as possible" about the difficulties the nursery is in. 

She added: "I have now shared this heart-breaking news with staff, current and future parents and as you can appreciate this is a very difficult time for myself, my staff and our effected families.

"I am in disbelief writing this post as I am sure you are reading this.

"I now potentially face the difficult task of closing a nursery that's been running over 35 years, not only have myself and the team got to put on a brave face as we provide continuous care for our existing children whilst they transition to schools and other settings, we also have to plan for our own futures too.

"I'm truly devastated."