An 11-year-old has raised more than £2,000 for a cancer charity by running 24 miles in 24 hours.

Iris Purser, a pupil at Buckden Primary School, has managed to complete her "24 in 24" running challenge, which saw her run 24 miles in 24 hours to raise money for Children with Cancer UK.

Iris in her charity t-shirt.Iris in her charity t-shirt. (Image: Purser Family)

The Year 6 pupil ran one mile every hour and even got up in the middle of the night to get the job done. She was supported by the village of Buckden, her school, her family and her friends.

Overall, Iris raised an incredible £2,400 for Children with Cancer UK. On completing the challenge, Iris said: "The running challenge was difficult, especially when I had to get up and run in the middle of the night.

"Lots of people - even people I didn't know - had posted really kind messages on my Just Giving Page, and that kept me going. Some of my friends and family joined me on my runs around my village, and on my last mile the whole school came outside to cheer me on."

Iris wore her very own challenge top while she ran.Iris wore her very own challenge top while she ran. (Image: Purser Family)

The 11-year-old's challenge was inspired by her grandad's cancer diagnosis in 2023. Iris said: "My grandad was diagnosed with cancer last year and his treatment made him feel really poorly some days.

"Children with Cancer UK is a charity which is trying to improve cancer treatment for children, and I saw how treatment made my grandad feel and I wanted to help them make treatment better for children my age.

"Doing something to help others makes you feel good inside and I hope the money I raised can help children with cancer who really need help right now."

Iris kept her energy levels high for the 24 hours.Iris kept her energy levels high for the 24 hours. (Image: Purser Family)

Recommended Reading: Buckden Primary pupil Iris Purser to run 24 miles in one day

Iris's secret to running 24 miles in one day was fuelling herself on smaller snacks to keep her energy levels up. She also said that she enjoyed running at night while everyone else was asleep.