A grant scheme run by Huntingdonshire District Council has now been extended to cover the entire district.

The Shop Front Grant Scheme, which is led by the council, allows businesses to apply for a grant to revitalise their shop fronts.

Some of the improvements allowed under the grant scheme include repairs, repainting, signage, external lighting, repairing stone or brick work, repairing guttering and pipes, new window displays and lighting, and professional fees.

Previously, this grant was only available for businesses in Huntingdon and St Ives, before it was extended to Ramsey and St Neots.

Now, Huntingdonshire District Council has decided to extend the financial support to the entire region.

Recommended Reading: Shop front scheme is extended to St Neots and Ramsey

The aim of the scheme is to make local businesses more attractive to customers and improve the aesthetic of Huntingdonshire high streets.

All proposals in the grant scheme will be subject to the planning approval process and applicants are encouraged to use the council's pre-application advice service.

The grant scheme will close on September 1, so all independent businesses are encouraged to apply by then. For more information, click here.