Teachers at Longsands Academy will go on strike next week over an ongoing dispute with the Astrea Academy Trust. 

The National Education Union (NEU) confirmed the industrial action will take place on Tuesday July 9 and Wednesday July 10.

It centres around an ongoing dispute with the Astrea Academy Trust over "adverse management practices". 

It comes less than two months after the academy was recently rated as 'Good' in its latest Ofsted report

The NEA said Astrea which runs both schools in St Neots, has "not adhered" to agreements reached with the union on March 8 to resolve concerns over excessive workload and job roles and responsibilities. 

Members of the National Education Union join a picket line at Longsands Academy between 7.30am and 9.30am on both dates. 

Talks have been agreed between the sides later this week in a further attempt to resolve the dispute.

Paul McLaughlin, Regional Secretary for the NEU said: "We are pleased that further talks have been agreed. 

"NEU members are highly motivated and wish nothing but the best for their students.

"We have worked hard to try and resolve issues that are preventing teachers and support staff focusing on the needs of their pupils

He added: "However, this can only happen if management meaningfully engage over the issues of concern."

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Just last week, Astrea wrote to parents in response to to claims made in a social media post from an election candidate. 

Anthony Browne, the Conservative Party candidate for St Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire, held a public meeting on June 21 for parents and carers of pupils at Longsands and Ernulf academies.  

Among the issues discussed were the wellbeing of students, the recent resignation of one of the school principals and “disbelief” that Longsands was awarded a “Good” Ofsted rating.

In a Facebook post published the following morning, Mr Browne said: “I also understand that 27 teachers will leave Longsands next month, and the school will have had almost an entire turnover of teachers in one year. This is not normal.

“There is clearly something deeply dysfunctional going on to drive teachers to leave in such high numbers.

“It is clear to me that there is a complete breakdown in trust and confidence between Astrea and a large tranche of the parents.

He added: “I believe the only viable long term solution is “rebrokering” the schools - taking them away from Astrea, and bringing them under new management.”

In a letter written to parents following the announcement of strike action, principal Dr Catherine Cusick said the intention is to "keep the school open to all year groups". 

She added the school had gone "above and beyond" to engage with the union over the last five months and reached agreement over concerns professional development, timetable and workload. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Longsands Academy rated as 'Good' in latest Ofsted report

A spokesperson for Astrea Academy Trust said: “We have been informed by the National Education Union that staff at Longsands Academy will be taking strike action on Tuesday 9th July and Wednesday 10th July. 

“Our intention is to keep the school open to all year groups and we hope to be able to confirm this at the end of this week.

“We have gone above and beyond to engage with the union, meeting weekly and sometimes twice-weekly to find a way through this. We have compromised where we have been able, and have reached agreement on their concerns over professional development, timetabling and workload for middle leaders. 

“The remaining issues are around the introduction of a full suite of mock exams across all subjects so that our students are as well prepared as possible for these important exams, and the union’s request for additional briefings and staff meetings. 

“Our top priority at Longsands is to continue to give our students a high standard of education and prepare them for the next stage in their lives. The recent “Good” judgement from Ofsted shows just how far Longsands has already come, and we remain hopeful that we can work together with the unions to reach agreement and avert the strikes.”

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