The Hunts Post will be joining forces tonight (July 4) with Black Cat Radio and Huntingdon Community Radio to bring our readers and listeners live coverage from the General Election counts.

Black Cat Radio's Ste Greenall, Huntingdon Community Radio's Martin West, and The Hunts Post's Francesca Herring will all be at a count tonight ready to bring you news as it comes.

Ste Greenall, host of Black Cat Radio's The Full English Breakfast Show, will be stationed at the St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire count. The Hartford-based radio host will be getting news, audio clips, and plenty of coverage ready for Black Cat Radio's coverage.

Ste will also be sending over updates from the St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire count to Francesca at The Hunts Post to be included in our live blog.

From 9:15pm on July 4, The Hunts Post will be running a live blog throughout the night to bring you the latest updates from the Huntingdon count as we get them. 

At the Huntingdon count, Francesca will be joined by Martin West from the Huntingdon Community Radio, perhaps better known as HCR104fm.

Martin, who hails from St Neots, will be at the Huntingdon count getting plenty of clips and updates for HCR104fm listeners.

Recommended Reading: Survation MRP projection shows Tory loss in Cambridgeshire

Both local radio stations and The Hunts Post will provide their own analysis, but will exchange features, announcements and declarations from the two venues.

With the constituency being cut in half for the first time, there's no better occasion for local media to join forces to provide everyone with the election coverage.

Ahead of election night, Ste said: "We are all looking forward to it.

"With the boundaries commission creating two new constituencies with a radio station in each, it made further good sense to collaborate and we are confident of providing our own slant and style on the evening."