Teachers and parents complained of an "intimidating and draconian culture" at Longsands Academy as Union members commenced two-day strike action this morning (July 9). 

Around 50 people arrived at the St Neots school gates at 7am waving placards and flags. The school is run by the Astrea Academy Trust 

For more than two hours, car horns were honking and whistles were blown in support of those on the picket line.

One of the banners made by a parent at Longsands School.One of the banners made by a parent at Longsands School. (Image: Newsquest)

The strike is the result of a "culmination of issues" that members of the National Education Union (NEU), staff at Longsands, parents and pupils have all felt. The last straw, many said, was the school's 'Morning Welcome'.

Staff on the picket line said that every morning, children must take part in a 'Morning Welcome' outside. They're given messages from staff, but they must remain silent throughout. They then turn around in silence and leave the playground.

Staff and children said that if they break the silence or they're late, they're immediately given a detention. Many pupils said they struggle to hear the messages if they're stood at the back, leaving many wondering, "what's the point in it?".

One pupil said: "It feels like what they do to people in prison. It feels like they don't trust us."

A teacher at the school, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: "The 'Morning Welcome' is not positive and it means that we miss out on the pastoral time with our kids. We don't get to check in with them anymore."

The school has defended the 'Morning Welcome', stating that it's a "positive experience" and boosts communication in the school. This isn't a view that's shared by those on strike.

In the spirit of positivity, Helen Brook (Secretary of the NEU's Cambridgeshire Branch), set up a bubble machine, gave out whistles and sweets to passers-by, and had some upbeat tunes playing throughout the strike.

With Sister Sledges' anthem We Are Family blaring in the background, those on the picket line blew their brightly coloured whistles at 8.35am for their very own welcome - which just so happened to be at the same time as the Longsands 'Morning Welcome'. 

Helen Brook said: "This is a morning welcome. It's a community coming together, not just teachers making a point."

Recommended Reading: St Neots MP on teacher strikes at Longsands Academy

There were many Longsands teachers and pupils at the strike, however they all wished to remain anonymous. One individual told The Hunts Post: "We fear they may be consequences for striking staff and students, and we need to protect them from this intimidation."

Another sign at the Longsands Strike.Another sign at the Longsands Strike. (Image: Newsquest)

The overall sentiment from the strikers was a discomfort with Astrea's management practices.

The Hunts Post heard experiences of children "in floods of tears" over behaviour policies and the "damaging silence" that children must abide by.

Last Thursday, the NEU and Astrea were in five hours of negotiations to try and avoid the strikes. However, Astrea "wouldn't budge on the 'Morning Welcome'", according to an NEU representative, and no solution was made.

Previously, the Astrea Academy Trust said they've gone "above and beyond" to engage with the NEU to prevent this strike. They have been contacted for comment.