Pupils at two Huntingdonshire primary schools branched out on a bonding day in the woods at the end of this academic year.

In what is believed to be a first for the area, Year 6 children from Brington C of E Primary and St Anne’s C of E Primary, in Godmanchester, held a joint Forest School day. The children will all be leaving primary this month and moving up to secondary schools in the area in September.

“We wanted to hold a well-being day to allow both sets of children to make new friends before they face the big move up,” said Mark Farrell, executive head of both schools.

The Year 6 pupils bonded and made friends during the exercise.The Year 6 pupils bonded and made friends during the exercise. (Image: Brington C of E School)

“I am so impressed at the way these pupils, who have never met before, formed immediate connections in the Forest School.

"They worked co-operatively to build dens, played team-building games and had lots of laughs,” he added.

“I think this is the first time two schools have had a joint day like this – but I’m sure it won’t be the last, as we’re already planning more co-operative activities!”

The day, organised by Year 6 teachers Sarah Kennedy, from Brington, and Caroline Sibson, from St Anne’s, used Brington’s Forest School area.

Forest School is a child-centred learning process, that develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.

The children climbed trees, learned knot-tying and explored the woods, while also using the school playing field for games and activities.

“I’m delighted that our Year 6s will be able to spot familiar faces from today when they arrive at their new secondary schools,” said Mrs Kennedy.

“The move up to a much bigger, busier school can be very daunting and this will help their transition.”

Miss Sibson agreed; “My children have been telling me that they are comparing which classes they will be in and making lots of new friends.”