Aerial photographer Geoff Soden has taken these spectacular photos from the skies above Huntingdon.

They include local landmarks such as Houghton Mill, an updated view of the Edison Bell development work in the centre of Huntingdon and other local roads.

Send your photos to: Please include your full name and a brief description of what you have taken. 

Houghton Mill from the air.Houghton Mill from the air. (Image: GEOFF SODEN)

This is a bird's eye view of the Edison Bell Way development project in Huntingdon.This is a bird's eye view of the Edison Bell Way development project in Huntingdon. (Image: GEOFF SODEN)

Another view of the Edison Bell Way development project in the centre of Huntingdon.Another view of the Edison Bell Way development project in the centre of Huntingdon. (Image: GEOFF SODEN)

This photo was taken 'looking north' towards Brampton Hut.This photo was taken 'looking north' towards Brampton Hut. (Image: GEOFF SODEN)

This shot captures the garage at Stukeley Meadows.This shot captures the garage at Stukeley Meadows. (Image: GEOFF SODEN)