A 60-year-old woman is gearing up to walk seven marathons in seven days to support survivors of domestic abuse.  

Tracy Honeyman is taking on the challenge to raise money for St Neots-based charity The Angels Foundation UK.

She started training in June, having completed two moonwalks for cancer charities in May.

Her current regime includes morning, afternoon and evening walks, several times a week. 

Instead of the official marathon distance of 26.2 miles, Tracy will walk 27.2 miles each day. 

The additional mile is said to represent the extra mile survivors go through to escape domestic abuse.  

Tracy said: "I'm raising money for The Angels Foundation UK to support a cause close to my heart.  

"It was during a particularly tough time that I started walking, to get out and away from how I felt.

"I would walk 10 miles or more just listening to music. Along with some amazing friends, it was the walking that got me through some very dark times.

"But I am a survivor now, and I want to do this to show others there is life on the other side.  

“The support The Angels Foundation gives to families who have fled abuse start a new life in their homes is incredible and any donation will help make an impact.” 

Caroline Deeprose, CEO of The Angels Foundation UK, said: “We are incredibly proud and humbled by the phenomenal challenge Tracy is undertaking in support of the work we do.

"Tracy is a beacon of hope and an inspiration for those affected by domestic abuse. We might be a small local charity based in St Neots, but the demand for our services is constant. 

“Many survivors fleeing domestic abuse, leave with little more than the clothes they were wearing.

"They find themselves housed with no way to care for their children - no beds to sleep in, no cooker to cook food, not even flooring underfoot.

"Faced with starting from scratch can be overwhelming, leaving families feeling there is no other choice but to return to their perpetrator. 

“This is where we come in. Through our Back to Life project, we break the cycle of abuse by providing flooring, furniture and appliances to survivors in need. We also offer counselling and therapy too.

"The typical cost of providing this service to a single survivor and their children is £800, so we know the money Tracy raises will be put to good use straight away.” 

Support Tracy by donating at www.gofundme.com/f/go-tracy-7-marathons-in-7-days 

(Image: The Angels Foundation UK)

(Image: The Angels Foundation UK)

(Image: The Angels Foundation UK)