Students and staff at Kimbolton School have been celebrating their success this results day.

2024 marked Kimbolton' School's best year for A*-A A-Level grades since 2012, with 47 per cent of students achieving A* to A, and more than 85 per cent receiving their first choice place at university.

73.4 per cent of students achieved A* to B, and 91.3 per cent of students received A* to C grades.

Twins at the school, Isabella and Amelia, both achieved straight A*-A grades. Isabella is now off to the University of Cambridge to study medicine, and Amelia will be pursuing law at Durham University.

Isabella and Amelia Fleming with their results.Isabella and Amelia with their results. (Image: MATTHEW POWER PHOTOGRAPHY)

In English Language, an impressive 100 per cent of grades received by students were A*-A.

80 per cent of politics students also attained an A*-A grade.

Will Chuter, Headmaster at Kimbolton School, said: "I am immensely proud of the achievements of our A Level cohort. The success of our students is a reflection of the ‘One school, One family’ ethos that lies at the heart of Kimbolton.

"This philosophy not only supports academic achievement, but also nurtures the values and experiences that make our school such a special place to learn and grow. As our students embark on the next chapter of their lives, they carry with them the strength of character and sense of belonging that will continue to guide them. 

"Congratulations to the ‘Class of 2024.’ Your hard work and determination have paid off, and we are excited to see the bright futures that await you. Our heartfelt thanks also go to the teachers and parents whose steadfast support and guidance were instrumental in the success of this year’s A Level leavers."