New statistics have revealed more than 150 potential victims of modern slavery were rescued in Cambridgeshire in a year.

Police said that they were all referred to a government scheme offering specialist support. 

"Sadly, slavery is happening right here in Cambridgeshire," added a spokesperson for Cambridgeshire Constabulary.

"Whether it’s at hand car washes, nail bars, takeaways or even the care sector, it can happen pretty much anywhere. 

"Please know the signs to look out for and report any concerns.

"Modern slavery can happen anywhere in any situation. Each case is different, and may not fit the stereotype of groups of people being forced to work in fields or on fishing boats.

"The signs of forced labour, and criminal or sexual exploitation can be very different. Victims might look helpless and afraid, but they can also seem to accept their situation, be completely unaware of it, or even defend the people who are exploiting them.

"If you think modern slavery is happening, tell someone as soon as you think it’s safe to. This could be about a victim, a suspect, or a particular business or place. You will always be taken seriously, and protection and support is available.

"You can report modern slavery to police using their online crime reporting service. Or call us on 101 at any time.

"If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use our textphone service on 18001 101.

"If you suspect someone is in immediate danger, call 999.

"To report a suspicion or get advice you can contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially on 08000 121 700.

"If you want to to remain anonymous you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

"The Salvation Army provides specialist support for all adult survivors of modern slavery in England and Wales."