Police officers rescued 12 people trapped in a lorry in Huntingdonshire last week.

In a 'terrified' call to Cambridgeshire Police a man from the group who had just 1 per cent battery left on his phone told the 999 operator "we are dying, can you help us please?"

He also mentioned that one of the women inside was pregnant. 

Officers found the lorry in Alconbury Weald and confirmed that the 12 people inside, including five children aged between 15 and 17, were unharmed. 

According to a police spokesperson, ambulance crews checked them over and provided them with food and drink after they were discovered stuck at the top of pallets of fruit. 

A spokesperson for Cambridgeshire Police added: "Everyone was checked over by the ambulance crew, given food and drink and we’re pleased to say no one was harmed.

"The driver was initially arrested on suspicion of human trafficking but later released with no further action.

"The children were taken into police protection and an investigation continues."