American modern-folk duo Friction Farm will perform at the Commemoration Hall in Huntingdon on September 26.

The musical pair, Aidan Quinn and Christine Stay, are known for their storytelling, social commentary, humour, and their songs of everyday life.

Ms Stay and Mr Quinn, hailed from North Carolina, have built a reputation for their harmony-filled compositions.

Their unique lyrically-rich music has led to them earning spots as Kerrville New Folk Finalists in Texas, and Falcon Ridge Emerging Artists in New York.

The pair are also winners of the South Florida Folk Festival songwriter competition and have showcased their talents at the Southeast, Southwest, and Northeast Regional Folk Alliance Conferences.

Friction Farm, notable American folk music act, announce tour Friction Farm, notable American folk music act, announce tour (Image: Submitted)

Having performed both nationally and internationally, they are noted for their on-stage connection with audiences, inspiring them and occasionally getting them to sing along.

Celebrated performances include their show at the South Downs Folk Festival in the UK, with organisers praising their strong voices, compelling songwriting, and refreshing stage presence.

Their Huntingdon gig begins at 7pm and entry is free.

More information is available on their website at: