The Godmanchester Town Show 2024 takes place this Saturday (September 7) – and there is just about enough time to enter.  

The event will take place at the community nursery, in Park Lane, between 2pm and 5pm.  

Residents and those with a connection to the town can submit their vegetables, fruit, floral arrangements, handicrafts, baking and photography for judging.  

There are also classes for young people to enter too.  

Rosemary Smith, treasurer and co-chair of the Godmanchester Town Show, said: “All are welcome and please do enter items into the show.  

“There are classes for youngsters to participate in as well. This year we will also have crafts and activities arranged for children throughout the afternoon. 

“It will be a lot of fun!” 

Photography entries need to be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday (September 4).  

Entry forms for other categories need to be in by 5pm on Friday (September 6).  

Participants are being encouraged to enter all the classes they intend to take part in and will only be charged for the items they officially submit for the judges on the day.  

Entries can be delivered on show day from 9am ahead of judging which begins at 11:30am.  

The Godmanchester Town Show dates back to 1886 and brought the community together as a small horticultural show and activities.  

It had a break during the Second World War and stopped after 1965.  

The show was reignited 50 years later in 2015 and, apart from the Covid years, has been taking place annually since.  

Planned for this year are stalls, live music, crafts and a raffle.  

The Muddy Trowel cafe will also be open offering refreshments throughout the afternoon.  

For queries contact  

Event details are also available on the “Godmanchester Town Show” Facebook page.