A former pub in a Huntingdonshire town centre could become new flats if a planning application is approved.

Brook and Barter, in St Neots, has been vacant since November 2021. Now, a developer is looking to convert the Grade II Listed Building into nine flats.

A planning application was submitted to Huntingdonshire District Council on August 19 for: "Change of Use, partial demolition of former Public House to 9 residential units".

The applicant, Bewick Homes Ltd, is looking to convert the building into six one-bedroom flats and three two-bedroom flats, all of which will be market housing.

There is also plans to demolish parts of the building, including the flat roof and the mechanical plant in the centre of the site, as well as the single storey building with the toilets.

The reason for the demolition is, "to facilitate creation of residential units and to provide an open area, also to return the site back to traditional layout and improve setting of the Listed Buildings."

To read the planning application in full, you can click here to access it via the public access forum on Huntingdonshire District Council's website. The reference is: 24/01497/FUL