1,000 people have signed a petition to prevent a "vital" Huntingdonshire road from becoming a 'quiet way'. 

Residents and parish councils have expressed outrage at Cambridgeshire County Council's proposal to limit the access of motor vehicles along Grafham to Brampton, known locally as the Wibbly Wobbly Road.

A Cambridgeshire County Council spokesperson said: “We are working with Sustrans to carry out local engagement this autumn about the possibility of trialling a 'quiet way' on the 'national cycle network' along Brampton Road.

“Sustrans want to engage with as many local residents and stakeholders as possible and will be in contact with the relevant parish councils in the near future.

"No decisions about implementing this trial scheme will be made until the engagement is complete.”

Grafham Parish Council however said it is "extremely concerned" about the proposal.

"Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) originally agreed to holding a public meeting in Grafham in June to discuss their proposals with residents.

"This was cancelled at the last minute by CCC because of the General Election.

"In August, CCC notified the parish council of their intention to close the Grafham to Brampton road to motor vehicles by means of an ETRO for up to 18 months from November, even though creating a 'quiet way' does not mandate such an exclusion of motor-vehicles.

"There’s been no robust survey or investigation. Local residents have not been consulted, in any form.

"The proposal to ban cars on this road, will deprive residents and businesses of a safe and reliable route to Hinchingbrooke Hospital, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, the train station, local schools and many other services.

"It will lead to greater carbon emissions from almost doubling travel distances, traffic from the villages being forced to queue at the Buckden roundabout or the Brampton interchange, particularly at peak times.

"The action appears to be contrary to CCC policies on carbon, health inequality, independent living and prosperous communities.

"It will result in the Brampton Nature Reserve being cut off to residents who drive from either Brampton or Grafham, depending on the position of the closure point.

"Thus, depriving residents of a well loved area for walking and being able to immerse themselves in nature, which could have a detrimental effect on their wellbeing.

"Grafham Parish Council is hoping that Cambridgeshire County Council will engage with them and residents to develop mutually beneficial proposals for all users off the road, including cyclists.

Adrian Love, who has lived in Grafham since 1969, said the "minor, narrow road" is "vital to parents taking their kids to school at Brampton and others who are afraid or want to avoid the lottery at Buckden roundabout on the A1.

"There was a 'consultation' meeting scheduled for September 3 but the road shut on September 2," he added.

"The decision to close the road was made before any consultation which is an insult to democracy.

"The closure, we are assured, is for 18 months to 'assess' whether it should remain open.

"A traffic 'survey' was conducted during the school holiday, which gives a distorted result that no doubt will be used as ammunition to support closure," he added.

The petition, titled 'Keep the Grafham to Brampton Road open', can be signed on the Cambridgeshire County Council website. It is open until the end of this month.