An online survey of more than 2,000 adults commissioned by the UK and Ireland’s largest weight-loss organisation, Slimming World, found that 56% of UK adults say they’ve previously followed a fad diet to try to lose weight.

Of the 1,123 adults who had tried a fad diet, 71% reported they didn’t lose any weight or didn’t lose as much as they wanted, and 11% gained weight.

In addition, 38% of the respondents who’d tried a fad diet said they found it on social media, and 35% said they could only stick to it for up to six days.

Dr Amanda Avery, Slimming World’s health and research consultant dietitian, said: “It’s easy to fall for quick fixes when social media is flooded with misinformation.

“When it comes to lasting weight loss, we can see from our research how important it is to follow an effective, healthy and sustainable approach.”

The survey also polled Slimming World members, and 93% of those questioned said that they feel more equipped to make lasting changes since joining.

Slimming World’s approach supports members to change their mindset around food with its healthy eating plan, which encourages members to base food choices around everyday foods that are filling yet low in calories.

Members who attend a weekly group or access support online also receive in-depth help and encouragement.

Dr Avery said: “Losing weight and keeping it off isn’t easy, it requires change, which can be challenging. Staying on track and committed until your efforts become everyday habits is the secret to long term weight loss.

“Getting support to do that is exactly what Slimming World provides – and has done for 55 years.”

Slimming World is on the look out for new consultants to join its team in the Huntingdonshire district. Consultants help to empower members to change often long-standing eating and activity habits.

Kelly Goncalves, team developer and consultant, said: “I feel genuinely privileged that my members put their faith in me to support them with their weight loss. It really is the best role in the world!”

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