Hundreds of people attended the Godmanchester Town Show.

The event took place on Saturday and was described as a 'great show' with 'everybody having a great time.'

There were around 300 entries across all categories, including flowers and plants, vegetables and fruits, floral arrangement, cookery, jams and preserves, photography, children's, handicrafts, and art.

Hundreds attended for the afternoon Hundreds attended for the afternoon (Image: Submitted)

There were also more stalls this year that received positive feedback, and children's activities were said to have engaged and inspired the young attendees.

The Huntingdon Ukulele Band and Oli Bruce provided entertainment, while a raffle raised around £450 for the show, with support from local businesses.

Cathryn Hudson, chair of the committee, said: "A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this year’s Godmanchester Show a success.

This year there were more stalls which received great feedback This year there were more stalls which received great feedback (Image: Submitted)

"Whether you helped with preparations, entered exhibits, or attended the event, your enthusiasm and support were vital.

"It is your involvement that truly makes our community events so special."

The winners of each category included Pauline Dear, Rosemary Smith, Mary Rice, Hayley Beckett, Martin Becker, Davey Podmore, Katie Lawrance, Isobel Cockman, and Charlie Smith.

Pauline Dear was also crowned the best in show.