A Huntingdonshire farming leader is calling on the government to match the huge public support for British farmers with political action by increasing the agricultural budget.

The NFU is pushing for the government to truly value UK food security by delivering a renewed and enhanced multi-annual agriculture budget of £5.6 billion on October 30.

The call comes after the 9th annual Back British Farming Day, a day when politicians, the public, retailers, food processers and manufacturers celebrate and champion British agriculture and its importance to the UK economy.

NFU Chair for Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire, Freya Morgan, said: “The public has always been hugely supportive of farmers here in Huntingdonshire.

“It has been wonderful to see the public coming out in force to show their support on Back British Farming Day.

“It was good to see, also, many MPs wearing the wool and wheat-pin badge, the symbol of Back British Farming Day.

“It has been a very challenging time for farmers in Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire, and across the country.

“We have been dealing with a wide range of challenges, including ongoing issues with rural crime, increasing droughts and floods devastating crops, rising energy costs, a lack of fairness in the supply chain, trade deals which have allowed in imported food which would be deemed illegal in this country and now bluetongue.

“Farmers work long hours in all conditions to feed the nation and strive to deliver national food security.

“Farmers also protect our beloved countryside, support the environment and help drive forward the economy.”

Cambridgeshire farmers play a big part in the huge contribution farming makes to the economy in East Anglia – valued at around £1.4 billion.  

Food production also plays a key role in supporting around 6,500 jobs in Cambridgeshire. 

Mrs Morgan said: “We now need the political support to match the public support and for the government to set an increased agricultural budget to enable farmers here in Huntingdonshire, and across the country, to continue this important work.”

Back British Farming Day, on Wednesday, September 11, saw the NFU host a Parliamentary reception and invite MPs to champion British farming by wearing the wool and wheat-pin badge.