Huntingdonshire District Council is looking at putting a Public Spaces Protection Order in place in a Huntingdonshire town centre.

The order could be put in place in Ramsey with the aim to cut down on anti-social behaviour in the centre.

The conditions of the order would include:

  • No open vessels of alcoholic/intoxicating substance in the area of the order (unless prior permission has been granted by the Local Authority for the purpose of a public event)
  • No personal use of narcotic substances (unless for medicinal purposes and are prescribed by a medical professional)
  • No public defecation/urination (unless in a public toilet or a private toilet with owner's permission)
  • No intimidating behaviour (this includes but is not limited to aggressive shouting at any person; any offensive language; physical altercation; street harassment (heckling or cat-calling); excessive noise and behaviours that cause alarm and distress)

The order would apply to Ramsey Town Centre as well as immediate areas. The Great Whyte (north-west and south-east between the roundabout connecting to Stocking Fen Road, to the Junction High Street), New Road (from Great Whyte including Newton Green), Mews Close and any linking routes through from Great Whyte and Mews Close Car Park would also be subject to the order.

The order would also apply to all publicly accessible land, including green spaces, recreational land and graveyards within the boundary.

Huntingdonshire District Council is holding a consultation with those who would be impacted by the order. If you would like to offer feedback into the consultation, you can do so by clicking here. It will take you to the online form.

If the consultation is successful, the order would look to enforce the conditions and it would be jointly enforced by Huntingdonshire District Council and Cambridgeshire Constabulary.