Two friends who met at Huntingdon parkrun raised £3,000 towards a new Scout Hut in Somersham by completing a 100km walk.

Emma Stevens and Georgie Godby tackled the Thames Path Challenge on Saturday September 14.

They were on the course for just under 30 hours, walking through the day and night past landmarks such as Hampton Court, Kew Gardens, Eel Pie Island and Runnymede.

Georgie, who is a Beaver Scouts leader at Somersham, was due to take on Race To The Stones with Emma in 2021, but Emma contracted Covid, which meant that Georgie completed it solo.

This means that Emma has unfinished business with a 100km distance.

Georgie said: "Recently, Somersham Scouts lost their hut, which had to be demolished after becoming structurally unsafe.

"A fundraising effort is underway for a new one, and the Thames Path event seemed a good opportunity to add to the fundraising.

"Between us, we raised over £3,000 - which makes the aching feet worthwhile," she added.

"We would like to thank supporters for their generous donations, and for the messages of encouragement received before and during the event."