A restaurant worker who claimed he had only had one glass of wine when he was caught almost three times the drink drive limit has been sentenced.

Police on patrol in Huntingdon pulled over Mehmet Durgut, in his Ford Focus, in Primrose Lane, just after 11pm on September 4 after concerns around his manner of driving.

The 49-year-old, of Market Hill, Huntingdon, struggled to open the window for officers or put his handbrake on. He told officers he had drunk one glass of wine while at a restaurant working.

He provided a breath sample of 98, almost three times the legal limit of 35 microgrammes per 100 millilitres of breath.

Durgut provided an evidential sample of 71 in custody.

At Cambridge Crown Court on Thursday (September 26), he was disqualified from driving for 17 months after pleading guilty to drink driving and must pay a £440 fine.

PC Brocklebank, who made the arrest, said: “Durgut was driving extremely slowly in the town and on occasions swerving into the right-hand lane and was equally unsteady on his feet once we pulled him over.

“There is no doubt he had more than one glass of wine that evening.”

Drink and drug drivers can be reported anonymously on 0800 032 0845.