A coveted Paul Harris award has been presented to Jan Sly who is a member of the Huntingdon Rotary Club.

Club president Mike Baker told members that Jan's award was in recognition of her wide-ranging charitable work in Great Stukeley.

Jan has been president of Great Stukeley Women’s Institute for more than 20 years and a committee member for more than 30 years. She also organises village coffee mornings and raises money for the Royal British Legion. Her busy schedule also includes the Great Stukeley Village Hall committee, organising a village fete and a children's Christmas party.

"Jan is constantly in touch with all the residents in need of support and acts as the village Almoner. I cannot think of another single person who is at the centre of all village activities," a club spokesperson said.

This award, named after the founder of the Rotary movement, is a local club's way of acknowledging the excellent work carried out by volunteers in local towns and villages.