Six Scouts from the 1st Brington Scout Group recently celebrated achieving their Angling Activity Award Badge after an outing to Browns Lake.

The Scouts went to the Northamptonshire lake to learn all about fishing, including the anatomy of a fish, how to assemble fishing equipment, casting, tying knots and the Countryside Code in relation to fishing.

The trip was organised by Dreamdrops, who are a Huntingdon-based children's charity.

The group caught a staggering 72 fish between them, including a Carp and a Roach. One of the Scouts caught 16 fish himself, while another set out to catch every single kind of fish in the lake.

The group were looked after by Richard and Phillip Winser and were brought out onto the lake by Roger Adams.

Roger said: "I suspect that by the time the participants have completed the various elements to achieve this award, their knowledge surpasses that of the average seasoned adult angler.

"Well done to everyone!"

Christine Luckham, the Dreamdrops Chairman, said that the charity was "delighted" to support the 1st Brington Scout Group as they set out to gain confidence and new skills.