Rugby: Northampton BBOB 7, St Ives 66, report by Phil Brown.

Despite having to make an appearance from the bench, head coach Josh Dear was delighted with his team’s outing on Saturday.

He said after the game: “Very happy. Not only with the score, but the performance. BBOB started very fast and made it very physical, so it was good to see the boys react positively and stick to how we want to play.

"We were a lot more fluid than last week and we scored some lovely tries. What’s most pleasing is the boys’ attitude - they want to keep improving and working hard.”

The curse of early penalty concessions struck again however, as Ives found themselves under pressure. An unsuccessful clearance kick gifted the home winger possession and some woeful tackle attempts saw him score in the corner.

This shook Ives into action and was to be the last time BBOB’s troubled the scoreboard. There followed a display to savour as Ives ran in 10 superb tries.

It started with excellent continuity and recycling, which eventually saw an overlap well taken by Ben Fleming. Joe Cox scored the first of his eight conversions.

The indefatigable Ollie Bartlett was the force behind the next try. On the wing, he drew the last defender and released Ollie Raine to score.

Injuries to two Ives players saw further changes. Cullan Smy was pressed into action on the flank and played a fine 60 minutes in the position. Coaches Mickey Drake  and Josh Dear were also called into action earlier than expected.

A sweeping move right and left eventually saw Connor Newsome in space to score. From the kick off, the Bulls once more charged up field for Smy to finish.

The second half was all Ives. Raine was thoroughly enjoying himself in his new position of centre and great hands saw him free to go in for his second try.

Next Fleming sprinted down the wing. He had the presence of mind to step infield, passing to the supporting Raine who completed his deserved hattrick.

Alex Henly made a fine kick return. It was no surprise that ever-present Bartlett was on hand to complete the attack.

As the hosts tired, more gaps appeared. Cox took a dart through a gap by a ruck, jinking his way to the line for a fine solo effort.

Strong running by Harry Smith gained momentum. BBOB could not reorganise and Cox scored his second.

With the last play called, it was fitting that the two Ollie’s combined once more to complete the scoring. Raine made a fine break, popping the ball to Bartlett who scored under the posts to finish a fine Bulls’ display.