The Hunts Post Club of the Week is The Upside Down Club in St Neots, which is a sporting and activity club for young people who use wheelchairs.

Tell us a bit about your club?

The club currently has 14 members, either using manual or power chairs. Some of our members face additional challenges including learning difficulties, communication need and sensory impairments.

The club aims to provide a range of adapted sports and game-based activities to promote inclusion, skill sets, confidence and fun.

What is the age range for members of the club?

The age range is six years and upwards. We say the limit is 18 years, but this is flexible if the young person is still enjoying and gaining positive experience from membership of the club.

(Image: The Upside-Down Sporting Club)

How long has the club been running?

It is a registered charity and has been running for approximately 30 years.

Where are you based and where do you meet?

We meet the first Saturday of each month. The majority of sessions are held at One Leisure, St Neots. Three of the sessions are allocated to archery and these take place at Grafham Water.

Is there a membership cost?

The annual membership cost is £30. This is reviewed each January at the Charity AGM. The charity generously subsidises the running costs, the purchasing of specialised equipment and extra activities.

(Image: The Upside-Down Sporting Club)


Do you have a website? Who can people contact?

Website is:

Facebook: Upside Down Sports Club

General queries: Nadia Bowes at: or 07729165830

Do you have a team of volunteers?

The club and charity are currently ran by parents of members who are volunteers. We occasionally have coaches who donate their time.

We are always looking for new volunteers and sport coaches to bring new ideas and energy.

(Image: The Upside-Down Sporting Club)