St Ives were able to add 11 more tries to the list in the game against Brackley, writes Phil Brown.

The Bulls delighted the assembled crowd at the Chicken Shack with another fine display.

Ives came close to scoring from the kick-off. A penalty was conceded by Brackley, Joe Cox kicking the points – the first of nine successful kicks at goal in a fine all round performance.

Ives ran the ball again. The visiting centre was alert to the danger and intercepted to sprint through for the opening try. 

Skipper-for-the-day Mickey Drake calmed the troops for the next play. Some classy handling then saw Ollie Raine breach the line, releasing Ben Fleming to score.

The Bulls much-shuffled front row of Tommy Newman, Connor Newsome and Sam Marjason-Stamp was holding up well, anchored by Matt Wood and Michael Sykes.

There was no way past Sam Marjason-Stamp.There was no way past Sam Marjason-Stamp. (Image: Paul Cox)

Ives turned over a lineout and whipped the ball wide to Rees Burns who scampered over for Ives’ second try.

Brackley won a penalty. The kicker struck the post, but recovered possession and struck a splendid drop goal from further out.

A fine jinking run by Sykes ended with an offload to the supporting Cox to run in the next score.

Brackley responded when their centre ran a great line, splitting the Ives defence to score a converted try.

As the half closed, Ollie’s Bartlett and Raine combined again to see the latter clear to score Ives' fifth and at half time it was 38-15.

The second half was one way traffic. A thundering tackle by Bartlett saw the ball scooped up by Wood, who jogged in under the posts.

Drake darted through a gap to score. Burns was again on the scoresheet after a fine off-load by Fleming.

Ives still had time to score two more fine tries. A lovely cut out pass by Drake saw the ball reach Mortimer who scored.

From the kick-off, Mortimer who fired a long kick downfield. Young flanker Ollie Giglio swooped to collect the ball. Held up inches short, a simple pop pass went to Burns to add his easiest try.

Director of Rugby Duncan Williams was delighted. “We are getting closer to being the rugby side that we want to be.

"We are developing a new team and positive results help that process. There is no point in us boasting only three games into a long season."

Final Score: St Ives 74, Brackley 15.